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Posts tagged with: kombucha

Homemade Kombucha

I love the zingy taste of kombucha, but when I was spending $3-$4/bottle on it, then opened my eyes to the amount of added sugar/juice in each bottle, I decided to make it at home. It takes a bit of patience and doing things in a particular way, but is a fraction of the cost, and I think it tastes better, so win-win!

There are as many different ways to make kombucha as there are people making it. I’ll share my way, and know that there are a few things that aren’t so flexible, like the scoby doesn’t like to be very hot. You’ll kill it. Also, it likes to brew in darkness, and brewing time really varies based on the temperature of your room.

Flavored Kombucha

1 batch kombucha, fully brewed
1/2 cup apple juice and 1 cinnamon stick, or 1/2 cup berries of choice

Add all ingredients to a large 1-2L jar. Top with a lid and store in a warm, dark place for 24-72 hours. Taste every 24 hours until desired taste is reached. I usually go 48 hours.
Strain into bottles and refrigerate.